Friday, December 27, 2019
Seaborgium Facts - Sg or Element 106
Seaborgium (Sg) is element 106 on the periodic table of elements. Its one of the man-made radioactive transition metals. Only small quantities of seaborgium have ever been synthesized, so theres not a lot known about this element based on experimental data, but some properties may be predicted based on periodic table trends. Heres a collection of facts about Sg, as well as a look at its interesting history. Interesting Seaborgium Facts Seaborgium was the first element named for a living person. It was named to honor contributions made by nuclear chemist Glenn. T. Seaborg. Seaborg and his team discovered several of the actinide elements.None of the isotopes of seaborgium have been found to occur naturally. Arguably, the element was first produced by a team of scientists led by Albert Ghiorso and E. Kenneth Hulet at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in September, 1974. The team synthesized element 106 by bombarding a californium-249 target with oxygen-18 ions to produce seaborgium-263.Earlier that same year (June), researchers at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia had reported discovering element 106. The Soviet team produced element 106 by bombarding a lead target with chromium ions.The Berkeley/Livermore team proposed the name seaborgium for element 106, but the IUPAC had a rule that no element could be named for a living person and proposed the element be named rutherfordium instead. The American Chemical Society disputed this ruling, citing the precedent in which the element name einsteinium was proposed during Albert Einsteins lifetime. During the disagreement, the IUPAC assigned the placeholder name unnilhexium (Uuh) to element 106. In 1997, a compromise allowed that element 106 be named seaborgium, while element 104 was assigned the name rutherfordium. As you might imagine, element 104 had also been the subject of a naming controversy, as both the Russian and American teams had valid discovery claims.Experiments with seaborgium have shown it exhibits chemical properties similar to tungsten, its lighter homologue on the periodic table (i.e., located directly above it). Its also chemically similar to molybdenum.Several seaborgium compounds and complex ions have been produced and studied, including SgO3, SgO2Cl2, SgO2F2, SgO2(OH)2, Sg(CO)6, [Sg(OH)5(H2O)], and [SgO2F3]−.Seaborgium has been the subject of cold fusion and hot fusion research projec ts.In 2000, a French team isolated a relatively large sample of seaborgium: 10 grams of seaborgium-261. Seaborgium Atomic Data Element Name and Symbol: Seaborgium (Sg) Atomic Number: 106 Atomic Weight: [269] Group: d-block element, group 6 (Transition Metal) Period: period 7 Electron Configuration: [Rn] 5f14 6d4 7s2 Phase: Its expected the seaborgium would be a solid metal around room temperature. Density: 35.0 g/cm3 (predicted) Oxidation States: The 6 oxidation state has been observed and is predicted to be the most stable state. Based on the chemistry of homologous element, expected oxidation states would be 6, 5, 4, 3, 0 Crystal Structure: face-centered cubic (predicted) Ionization Energies: Ionization energies are estimated. 1st: 757.4 kJ/mol2nd: 1732.9 kJ/mol3rd: 2483.5 kJ/mol Atomic Radius: 132 pm (predicted) Discovery: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA (1974) Isotopes: At least 14 isotopes of seaborgium are known. The longest-lived isotope is Sg-269, which has a half life of about 2.1 minutes. The shortest-lived isotope is Sg-258, which has a half-life of 2.9 ms. Sources of Seaborgium: Seaborgium may be made by fusing together nuclei of two atoms or as a decay product of heavier elements. It has been observed from the decay of Lv-291, Fl-287, Cn-283, Fl-285, Hs-271, Hs-270, Cn-277, Ds-273, Hs-269, Ds-271, Hs-267, Ds-270, Ds-269, Hs-265, and Hs-264. As still heavier elements are produced, it is likely the number of parent isotopes will increase. Uses of Seaborgium: At this time, the only use of seaborgium is for research, primarily toward the synthesis of heavier elements and to learn about its chemical and physical properties. It is of particular interest to fusion research. Toxicity: Seaborgium has no known biological function. The element presents a health hazard because of its inherent radioactivity. Some compounds of seaborgium may be toxic chemically, depending on the elements oxidation state. References A. Ghiorso, J. M. Nitschke, J. R. Alonso, C. T. Alonso, M. Nurmia, G. T. Seaborg, E. K. Hulet and R. W. Lougheed, Physical Review Letters 33, 1490 (1974).Fricke, Burkhard (1975). Superheavy elements: a prediction of their chemical and physical properties. Recent Impact of Physics on Inorganic Chemistry. 21: 89–144. Hoffman, Darleane C.; Lee, Diana M.; Pershina, Valeria (2006). Transactinides and the future elements. In Morss; Edelstein, Norman M.; Fuger, Jean. The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements (3rd ed.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer ScienceBusiness Media.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marketing Plan For Our New Product - 1225 Words
As all of us know, sometimes it is hard to multitask. Have you ever had trouble listening or remembering what your boss or teacher was talking about because you were trying to copy something down? This is something that many people have trouble with. However, the new product here at PenTech may have the solution. We are introducing our new product called the ProPen Plus. This paper is going to analyze the market and show how we are to implement our marketing plan. Our mission statement embodies exactly what we want to accomplish as a company with our new product. PenTech aims to simplify and satisfy students’ and business professionals’ writing and note-taking needs with our ultimate writing utensil, the ProPen Plus. We know how hard it can be for students and professionals to take notes and listen at the same time, so we wanted to serve that need. This all-in-one pen includes ink, lead, highlighters, recorders, and a USB charger. You can also plug this into a computer and it will transcribe it into a document. Our company has been in business for a little over a year, so we are still in the introductory stage of our company. Our sales are increasing slowly, which is a characteristic of the introductory stage. The headquarters for our company are located in two cities: Chicago, Illinois, and London, England. We decided to market globally throughout America and Europe. Our reasoning behind this was that we saw a need for our product in both of these countries, and we wantedShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan: Phase 11621 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing Plan: Phase l This marketing plan will give an overview of the existing organization and describe a new product or service. An explanation of the importance of marketing for the selected organization’s success will be addressed. A SWOTT analysis on the new product or service will be written. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
AGL Energy Ltd-Case-Study-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Prepare a Comprehensive report directed to an Australian ASX Top 100 listed Corporation detailing a Critical analysis of the effectiveness of the Corporation to meet the Obligations of the Conceptual Framework of Accounting. Answer: Introduction AGL Energy Ltd has been discerned as one of the most notable Australian public listed company under ASX 100 is responsible for retailing, consideration and generation of electricity for commercial use. The source of the energy generated by AGL has been mainly depicted in form a hydroelectricity, thermal Power, power stations, solar energy and coal steam. It has been depicted that the company is having an overall customer base of 3.6 million both residential and business located in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. In July 2017, AGL decided to enter commercial gas market sector located in Western Australia (Drew and Dollery 2015). The report has selected AGL Energy Ltd to depict whether the company has been able to meet the objective of theoretical background for reporting. The study will be able to recognise the observance of the company for recognition of assets, liabilities, equities, expenses and revenues. The next section of the study will deal with evaluating the quality of characteristics in the financial report which has been discerned in form of reliability and authenticity in description of the financial events. The last section of the study has been able to depict the excellence characteristics of the report which has shown the comparability and timeliness of information presented in the financial report (Guthrie, Evans and Burritt 2014). Adherence to the objectives of the conceptual framework with its reporting The main governing body of conceptual framework in Australia is Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) is responsible for developing financial report in both public and private sectors. The important form of the contributing role of AASB has been taken into consideration with the financial reporting of Australian securities and investment commission at 2001. As per the data published in December 2013, significant number of amendments had brought the existing reporting framework which aimed at improving measurement, presentation, reporting entity and de-recognition. The important amendments have also brought in significant changes in management stewardship associated to several entities (Goodacre, Gaunt and Henry 2017). As per the information depicted in AGL financial report 2017, it has been discerned that the reports are prepared as per the standards prescribed by AASB and all the other types of standards has been acceptable to ASX. The preparation of concise financial statement is done in compliance with Corporations Act 2001 and Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports. The report associated to the financial statements is seen to be based on audited report and the same is attached with the AGL financial report 2017. The primary operating segment of the company has been further depicted with group operations, investments and markets. In addition to this, the preparation of the product segments has been done as per Australian Accounting Standard AASB 8 (Lodhia 2015). The company has been seen to report segment information as per internal as structure. This has been seen to be evident with the fact that company has operating segment seen majority locations and margin of AGLs activity exhibited with operating segments taken from variety of expenses group. It has been further discerned that company has implemented the conceptual framework of AASB in terms of recognition and measurement of financial instruments (Henderson et al. 2015). Figure: Information on conceptual framework (Source: Navarro-Garca and Madrid-Guijarro 2014) Adherence with the recognition criteria for reporting Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue and Expenses The significant amount of deviations in the financial instrument has been considered with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. This particular standard has been further considered with liabilities and derivatives reported as per fair value and the values in financial statements. Australian Accounting Standard AASB 139 Financial Instruments is seen as the main equity taken into consideration for adjusting the hedging reserve is seen to be effective for conducting hedges and determining any changes in the fair value of the item which is being held at fair value of derivative (Guthrie and Parker 2014). A significant consideration of the deviations of fair value of the derivatives as depicted the need for liquidity adjustment in the hedge reserve. The important form of changes in the value of derivatives in the reported period is seen to be carried as per fair value and considered with P/L statement of the company. It has been furthe r seen that the AGL has restated about the information on adoption of accounting standards for employee benefits which is seen with AASB 119 Employee Benefits in the financial year 2013 (Dellaportas, Kanapathippillai, Khan and Leung 2014). Adherence with the qualitative enhancing characteristics of financial reporting Considering the numerous changes in the current energy system, the financial attention of cost for AGL is considered to be powerful enough with affordable, reliable and orderly depiction of the financial data. The important reflection for deviations in fair value is seen as an added enhancing quality characteristic of financial report. The changes in the fair value of the derivatives along with the periodic reporting it is seen to be based on ineffective hedges and the assets and liabilities has been carried out at fair value for which the acknowledgement of same is needed for the assessment of profit or loss. As per the consideration of AASB 139 definition the results of hedge have been seen with the appropriate outputs for interest rate and foreign exchange rate. The significant variations in the fair value and financial instrument is further seen to be discerned with P/L statement published for the year ended 30 June 2017. The main form of the consistency of the data is evident wi th consideration of total changes in the fair value (Martin- Biondi and Lapsley 2014) It has been further seen that the immersion outcome of the various result discerned with statutory profit and the board has been able to access the statutory profit for different types of non-cash fair value movements. The board has been able to determine the several outcomes of immersion as per long-term and short-term incentives which has been able to ensure that management is not taking any undue advantage by getting things outside their control (Jacobs and Cuganesan 2014). Adherence with enhancing characteristics of financial reporting The comparability aspect of the data has been discerned with resultant value in the present year and comparing the same with previous year. This particular facet has been implemented across several areas of financial reporting including earnings before interest and tax, underlying profits every, net finance cost and income tax benefit. In a similar way, the company has been able to review the operations as per comparing the financial data with previous year. The consideration of the chart for depiction of long-term and short-term incentive has shown the timeliness consideration and proper segregation of the data (COOPER and Guthrie 2017). Furthermore, executive immigration and performance outcomes has been clearly depicted with the results of previous five years of financial data. This has been able to include several aspects of elements such as statutory profit or loss, underlying profit, statutory EPS, underlying EPS, closing price of shares etc. along with the aforementioned eleme nts, the actual growth in the last five years of AGL has been shown with bar diagram. In addition to this, the line chart has been able to give a clear picture of qualitative enhancing characteristics thereby depicting total shareholder return for AGL vs. ASX 100 index from a time period of five years (Benson, Clarkson, Smith and Tutticci 2015). Figure: Using Bar Graph as qualitative enchanting characteristics (Source: Navarro-Garca and Madrid-Guijarro 2014) Figure: Using doughnut graph as qualitative enchanting characteristics (Source: Benson, Clarkson, Smith and Tutticci 2015 Conclusion Based on the analysis of the report the main compliance of the company with Australian conceptual framework is evident. the reports are prepared as per the standards agreed by AASB and all the other types of standards has been acceptable to ASX. The preparation of concise financial statement is done in compliance with Corporations Act 2001 and Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports. The acknowledgement of criteria for reporting Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue and Expenses has been prominent with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. This particular standard has been further considered with liabilities and derivatives reported as per fair value and the values in financial statements. The various types of characteristics relating to quality of financial reporting has been evident with consideration of affordable, reliable and orderly depiction of the financial data. The important consideration for deviations in fair value is seen as an added enhancing quality characteristic of financial report. Enhancing characteristics of financial reporting is apparent with resultant value in the current year and relating the same with previous year. The presentation of the data has been regarded as an important aspect of quality and this has been prominent with the use of bar graph, doughnut chart and pie chart. References Benson, K., Clarkson, P.M., Smith, T. and Tutticci, I., 2015. A review of accounting research in the Asia Pacific region.Australian Journal of Management,40(1), pp.36-88. Biondi, L. and Lapsley, I., 2014. Accounting, transparency and governance: the heritage assets problem.Qualitative Research in Accounting Management,11(2), pp.146-164. COOPER, B.J. and Guthrie, J., 2017. Post the Watt reviewAustralian business schools and collaboration with industry.Improving collaboration and innovation between industry and business schools in Australia. Dellaportas, S., Kanapathippillai, S., Khan, A. and Leung, P., 2014. Ethics education in the Australian accounting curriculum: A longitudinal study examining barriers and enablers. Accounting Education, 23(4), pp.362-382. Drew, J. and Dollery, B., 2015. Inconsistent depreciation practice and public policymaking: Local government reform in New South Wales.Australian Accounting Review,25(1), pp.28-37. Goodacre, A., Gaunt, C. and Henry, D., 2017. Publication Records of Australian Accounting and Finance Faculty Promoted to Full Professor, Set within an International Context. Guthrie, J. and D. Parker, L., 2014. The global accounting academic: what counts!.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,27(1), pp.2-14. Guthrie, J., Evans, E. and Burritt, R., 2014. Australian accounting academics: challenges and possibilities.Meditari Accountancy Research,22(1), pp.20-37. Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K. and Howieson, B., 2015.Issues in financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Jacobs, K. and Cuganesan, S., 2014. Interdisciplinary accounting research in the public sector: dissolving boundaries to tackle wicked problems.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,27(8), pp.1250-1256. Lodhia, S., 2015. Exploring the transition to integrated reporting through a practice lens: An Australian customer owned bank perspective.Journal of Business Ethics,129(3), pp.585-598. Martin-Sardesai, A., Irvine, H., Tooley, S. and Guthrie, J., 2017. Organizational change in an Australian university: Responses to a research assessment exercise.The British Accounting Review.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Passion Versus Reason Essay Example
Passion Versus Reason Essay All decisions in life should be made with a balance of emotion and logic. If not balanced correctly, there will be consequences. Throughout Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare, the theme of emotions outweighing reason is explored, resulting in the deaths of many, including the deaths of young lovers, Romeo and Juliet. This is shown through many characters and their actions caused by their personalities, which eventually lead to their downfall. Along with that, the motif of fear causes emotions to outweigh reason, and on top of that, multiple conflicts arise, which cause many characters to think unclearly and use their judgment based on emotions solely. Firstly, Romeo is known to be a very emotional character, often becoming upset about small situations. He lets his emotions run wild when he kills himself after thinking his love, Juliet is dead. An example of this is when Romeo says â€Å"Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide/ Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on/ The dashing rocks thy seasick, weary bark/ Here’s to my love!†(Shakespeare 5.3.116-119). Romeo was clearly sunken in sorrow at the fact that Juliet died, and he is only thinking with emotion, which leads to his demise. Moving on, Romeo’s emotions outweigh reason when he kills Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, after Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo’s loyal friend. Romeo was outraged by his friend’s death and didn’t take the time to think about the consequences. His emotions were leading him to revenge, which led to Tybalt’s death and eventually, Romeo’s exile from Verona. Furthermore, Juliet is also known to be an emotional character, who makes many hasty actions due to her overwhelming emotion. We will write a custom essay sample on Passion Versus Reason specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Passion Versus Reason specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Passion Versus Reason specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Secondly, the motif of fear is often explored throughout the play. Fear causes people to do irrational things and there are always consequences. Firstly, Juliet is afraid of marrying Paris, the man she is forced to marry, so she takes a sleeping potion to make he
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